
Metropolitan Baptist Church – Tulsa, OK

Protocol for Church Attendance During COVID-19 Pandemic

When will we return to service?2021-06-19T18:08:59+00:00

Good news! We have begun our return to worship phased approach. We are currently in Phase II where you will be able to register for our 10:00 am service. Please go to www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

What safety protocols have been established for in person worship?2021-06-19T18:09:36+00:00

We have ensured that the church has been properly cleaned and the air flow system is optimal; we have instituted socially distanced seating, we have created a timed release at the end of service to avoid crowding; we are requiring all attendees to wear masks for the duration of the service and have temperature checks upon entry into the building. We ask for your help in following all protocols to help create a safe worship experience. Please go to www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

Do I have to register for service?2021-06-19T18:10:16+00:00

Yes, we are asking all attendees to register for service, of course we understand that our most senior members may have a challenge with registrations and we have prepared for their arrival. Please go to www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

When will Children’s Church or Connect groups begin meeting in person?2021-06-19T18:10:47+00:00

We will continue to monitor and adhere to CDC guidelines. We have plans to resume many of our in person meetings with a hybrid approach and then fully in person over the next several months. Please be sure to check your email and our website for updates. Visit www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

Do I have to be vaccinated to attend service or show proof of vaccination?2021-06-19T18:11:20+00:00

While getting vaccinated can help protect people from getting sick or severely ill and might also help protect people around you, vaccination is not a requirement to attend in person service. Please go to www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

What if someone who has COVID attended the same service as I did, how will I be notified?2021-06-19T18:12:01+00:00

You will be notified, via email and/or phone if you attended that same service and were in contact with someone who tested positive. While we will not share the name of the individual, we will be able to notify you of exposure. Please go to www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

Will we still continue virtual worship even when we fully return to in person service?2021-06-19T18:12:37+00:00

Yes, we will continue to offer a virtual worship experience. If you wish to join us in person, please go to www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

What is protocol with funerals, weddings, baby dedications and baptisms?2021-06-19T18:13:33+00:00

We will host funerals, weddings and baby dedications with a limited number of guests. Please call the church to speak with a member of our staff for details. We will not conduct baptisms at this time and will continue to follow the CDC guidelines as to when it is safe to do so. Please be sure to check your email for updates. Visit www.metropolitanbc.org to register for service as space will be limited and ensure you watch the “What to expect” video.

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